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3 First-Class Employee Perks for Small Businesses

They say bigger is better. But, in the world of business, being a small company has it’s perks! Small businesses have a unique opportunity to build a productive, close-knit community full of happy employees. Their size gives them flexibility and the ability to adapt quickly, something that can be difficult for companies with thousands of employees.

However, small businesses compete for the same talent pool as large businesses. Employees expect them to create a great place to work and offer competitive benefits and perks. When competing with giant global companies, small businesses have to be better listeners, hearing and responding to their workforces unique needs and desires.

Here’s a look at some of the best first-class employee perks for small businesses. The following examples come from companies ranked in the top 25 companies on Great Places to Work’s Best Small Workplaces of 2017 list.

Strong Diversity Initiatives

Management consulting company Propeller supports women through it’s women’s empowerment initiative, Propel Her. The program, which encourages men to participate as well, provides mentorship, training, sponsorship, and support for it’s members. The monthly meetings are a safe place for men and women to uplift one another and help each other succeed.

Diversity initiatives can be particularly impactful in a small businesses environment. Smaller businesses, because of their size, don’t always have the same levels of diversity as larger companies. Creating ways to support and acknowledge the variety of people who make up a smaller company is crucial to showing all employees they’re welcome and seen.

Great Workspaces

Designing an energizing, functional and exciting workspace is an employee perk that keeps employees, well, perky! Radio Flyer, which makes children’s products, prides itself on its cool workspace. Natural light fills the space. Sit-to-stand desks, a backyard patio and grill, a cafe, a wellness area and a prototype shop do too!

For small businesses, the look and the feel of the office matters. After all, employees may not have as many places to go in the office when compared to the space a corporate campus with a larger staff offers. This makes it more important than ever to make sure employees enjoy the space they’re spending their time in!

Families in the Office

At 5, it’s not unusual for spouses and kids to be in the office. The electricity and natural gas consulting company allows family members to spend time the office whenever they’d like. The company says sometimes, children spend an entire day or a whole week, spending time with their mom or dad.

Some employees enjoy working or smaller companies because they say their coworkers begin to feel like family. Why not expand the family-friendly atmosphere small business employees love by opening your arms to their loved ones?

These are just a few of the many ways small businesses can differentiate themselves as employers. Thinking of a smaller size as an advantage, rather than a disadvantage, is necessary to finding innovative ways to make your company a great place to work. helps small businesses create incredible benefits packages for their employees. Our benefits consultants focus on aligning your company’s culture and values with your benefits package, creating a one-of-a-kind solution for you. We absolutely love seeing small businesses and their employees succeed because we know that when humans thrive, companies prosper. Contact us today!

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