A compelling benefits program has never been as important as it is now. Attracting and retaining good employees tops the list of challenges facing HR professionals. That’s why we put together the eBook, “The Ultimate Benefits Builder” to help you build or refine a benefits program that provides a recruiting and retention edge.
With our 5-step framework, you can start your annual process by identifying the issues and open awareness to new opportunities and solutions, to totally reframe how you think about planning benefits.
We developed this to help you move more easily into a long-term strategic view that will make your job easier.
1. Strategy not plan. With so much on the line, it’s important to be think long-term and higher level.
- What if we wiped the slate and started with a blank page?
- What is the future we are creating as an organization in 3, 5, 10 years?
- What are our talent goals? Cost goals?
2. Assess deeply. Identify where are you now, and where you want to go.
- What were our goals last year?
- Did we achieve them?
- What do we hear our people asking about the most? What matters to them most?
3. Align to culture. Alignment to culture is a critical key to success.
- How can our benefits program be 100% in line with company culture and vision?
- Where has it missed the mark in the past?
- In what ways can benefits create the foundational core to our culture’s sense of belonging and safety?
4. Get Creative. Expand the space of possibility.
- How are demographic shifts becoming an opportunity to tap into? What are people actually using?
- What would be the dream scenario?
- What would this look like if it were easy?
5. Roadmap of Trust. Trust takes time to build and mere seconds to break.
- What would it look like if every decision we roll out to employees builds trust?
- What decisions may break employee trust?
- How do we ensure we build care and trust in everything we roll out?
For more on building a benefits strategy, you can download the full Ultimate Benefits Builder eBook here.