It’s December, otherwise known as the most wonderful time of the year! With the year’s most festive occasions coming up, it is important to consider how your organization will spread the holiday cheer. Your employees have worked hard and shown true dedication to your company all year, and it is only fair that you take strides to show them your appreciation. Need some ideas? Pour yourself a cup of eggnog and have a seat, because we’ve rounded up the top 3 holiday perks that employees desire this season.
Cash Bonuses
Whether it be travel expenses or gift giving, employees always appreciate bonuses to help them curb the costs of the holidays. At first it may seem cut and dry, but the world of bonuses can be quite intricate! You can choose to base bonuses off of job performance, a percentage of employees’ salary, or a flat bonus. Which you should choose comes down to what you can afford and what result you expect to gain from this bonus. According to the 2014 Bank of America survey, 52% of businesses plan to give a holiday cash bonus to their employees! As can be inferred, cash bonuses are beneficial for many businesses across different industries. They often result in employees returning for the holidays feeling motivated and more loyal to their employer.
Holiday Parties
Chances are, you probably guessed this would be on the list! Now it may not seem innovative, but there is a reason why it made it onto our short list. With approximately 80% of companies sponsoring a holiday party last year, it is easy to assume it is a favorite among employees. Why? It simply makes them feel appreciated. By going out of your way to book a venue, order food, and craft some fun games (we always love a Secret Santa!) it makes employees feel that you care about them. There is a common perception in the workforce that holiday parties are a drag, but this says more about your company culture than anything. If you have fostered a positive environment where your employees get along, they are likely to look forward to your soiree and sharing an evening with their coworkers.
Flexible Scheduling & Time Off
The holidays are about spending time and making memories with family, friends, and loved ones. Unfortunately, your employees can’t do that if they are chained to their desk. In order to help them fulfill their personal obligations, you should allow them to have a flexible work schedule during the later half of December. This can include remote work, flex time, and extra days off. By allowing employees to work where and when they want, you give them the ability to accomplish their professional and personal goals- aka work life balance. This will ultimately increase their satisfaction and motivation levels, and again help them return in the new year feeling rejuvenated.
It is important to provide some holiday perks for your employees this month. Not only will it show them that you care, but it will help promote their productivity in the new year as well. Regardless if you choose one of the activities on this list or not, it is important to invest in your employees! At the end of the day, they are and will always be your greatest asset.